2017: Young Achiever Award Recognises LTAMC Convenor
Congratulations to our Convenor, Niall McGoldrick, for winning the Young Achiever Award at the Scottish Health Awards 2017. These awards recognise the hard work & achievements of healthcare staff from across the NHS workplace in Scotland.
Niall got top honours in a category for an individual of 30 years or younger who “has demonstrated outstanding achievement as part of their working life… which has shown initiative, drive and excellent judgement in their work to achieve exceptional results.”
His nomination and award recognised the outstanding achievements of his early career. The judges were particularly impressed with the work he has done as one of the main drivers behind LTAMC in our engagement with the public, patients, healthcare professionals and public bodies. Additionally, Niall’s other voluntary work organising dental aid missions to Peru was a major factor.
After being presented with his prize by Shona Robison MSP, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Niall said “I am completely overwhelmed with this award. This evening has really been special and I feel so privileged to be amongst all the finalists here tonight. This is not just for me but for all those behind Let’s Talk About Mouth Cancer including the other trustees, our volunteers and fundraisers. It is also for everyone who has gone out to Peru with me to help the people there. Thank you!”
November is Mouth Cancer Action Month and this award has given all at LTAMC a real boost as we move into our busiest period. It’s nice to have our hard work rewarded but we know the fight against mouth cancer is a long one and we will continue our campaign to advocate, educate and collaborate to reduce its burden.
2017: Trustee wins NHS Star Award!
Our Secretary and Trustee Dr Stephanie Sammut has been awarded the Gold Award in the The NHS Tayside Star Awards. She took first place in the Inspiring Educator section.
Steph was nominated by the Dental Core Training group in Dundee Dental Hospital where she works as an NHS Consultant in Oral Surgery and is Clinical Lead for the department. The award highlighted her enthusiasm for her work with our charity in educating undergraduate dental students, postgraduate dentists and for her teaching style in Oral Surgery.
The award ceremony was compered by NHS Scotland’s National Clinical Director, Professor Jason Leitch (also an Oral Surgeon by trade!). Steph collected the award at a ceremony in the Invercarse hotel in Dundee.
Well done Steph!
2015: Winner, Association of Dental Groups’ award for best voluntary scheme to promote and deliver improvements in oral health.

Orna and Niall collecting the award
The team were recognised for their efforts in the fight against Mouth Cancer by the UK Association of Dental Groups. The award was presented at an event at the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
2014: Mouth cancer campaign wins health board award
Two foundation dentists from Edinburgh have picked up an award for their work in organising a mouth cancer awareness campaign.
Niall Mc Goldrick and Orna Ni Choileain won the Voluntary Service Award at the NHS Lothian Celebrating Success Awards 2014 for their ‘Let’s Talk About Mouth Cancer’ campaign.

Niall and Orna receiving the award from NHS Lothian Chairman Brian Houston and Chief Executive Tim Davison
The campaign held three mouth cancer screening events in conjunction with the oral surgery department at the Edinburgh Dental Institute. The first was in a marquee on Bristo Square, Edinburgh, the second at the Edinburgh Canal Festival and the third on the Meadows during the Edinburgh Festival. Free CPD sessions for the dental team were also provided.
Accepting the award, Niall McGoldrick said: “It feels really great to have won the award and will really help us in going forward. It shows what we are doing is something good and worthwhile, and it’s great for the wider team to know that what we have been doing over the past year has actually been recognised.”
Niall explained that they have recently registered Let’s Talk About Mouth Cancer as a charity in order to build on and continue the good work so far.
He also said that there are plans for further screening and CPD events in the near future.